
Our oil processing units have characteristics others may not.

Our oil treatment equipment is among the most efficient and technologically advanced in North America, while our expertise to perform these services is second to none. Stark can provide energized oil conditioning treatment for critical systems that cannot be shutdown.

When the time comes and your transformer needs oil, requires a degasification, re-inhibit or reclamation treatment, we are ready with our fleet of modern mobile transformer service units.

  • Modern equipment and technology
  • Self-contained units
  • Hard wired generator
  • Oil processing rates up to 2400 gallons/ hour
  • Inlet oil filtered at 3 microns
  • Outlet oil filtered at 1 microns
  • High vacuum capability with one 150 SCFM vacuum pump and one 720 SCFM booster
  • Ability to add a vacuum skid to all oil processors 1600 SCFM
  • Degas oil to approximately 1% total dissolved gas

We can handle all of your oil processing needs.

  • Draining the oil from transformer or equipment
  • Store the oil in clean tankers or frac tanks
  • Pull vacuum
  • Vacuum degasify and dehydrate new or used oil
  • Reclaim or re-inhibit oil 

Sample of oil before and after conditioning.

Before and After Oil Comparison 1


Contact Us to learn more about how you can benefit from our transformer oil experience and top notch capabilities.
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